Abisan Au-Ag-Bi-Sb Project

Abisan Au-Ag-Bi-Sb Project
The Abisan Project is situated approximately 180km east of Seoul and comprises the historical Nakdong Bi mine and Baekjeon-Wangje Au-Sb mines held by Korean Metals Exploration Pty Ltd (“KME”) subsidiary Shin Han Mine Inc. The deposits are hosted within dirty impure carbonate-rich sediments, limestones and dolomite of the Cambrian-Ordovicean Joseon Supergroup in the Taebaeksan Basin. Mineralization includes Au-Bi-Sb-Cu-Pb-Zn-As “manto” skarns, Au-Ag-Bi-Sb carbonate replacement sediment-hosted style (Carlin-type) and Au-Ag-Bi-Sb-Pb-Te epithermal quartz veins. Mineralization is related to Cretaceous multi-phase porphyry stocks and dykes (Jeongseon, Molun and Yeogdun Granite complexes) emplaced along NNE fault corridors.
Historical Mining & Exploration
Historical production of gold occurred 1935-45 and bismuth during 1968-1974, but there has been no modern exploration conducted on the project area since 1983.
KME considers there is considerable potential for a bulk tonnage Au-Bi deposit at Abisan and also potential for manto-chimney pipe base metal mineralization to extend down dip into the lower stratigraphic units (Pungchon Limestone & Myobong Slate), hosts to the nearby world class Yeonwha and Uljin Pb-Zn-Ag and Sangdong W-Bi-Mo deposits.

Abandoned stamper mill and dumps at Abisan mine

Abisan Mine
4.4g/t gold in arsenopyrite skarn