Chongyang W-Mo-Bi-Be Project

Chongyang W-Mo-Bi-Be Project


The historical Chongyang W-Mo-Be mine is situated approximately 125km south of Seoul, about 15km west of Buyeo City. The deposit consists of numerous subparallel, sheeted quartz veins containing wolframite, molybdenite and beryl hosted within “greisen”-altered granite porphyry stock. Mineralization at Chongyang can be readily classified as a porphyry W-Mo deposit. Although some of the high-grade veins have been selectively mined, a significant bulk tonnage stockwork-disseminated porphyry W-Mo-Be Exploration Target of >50Mt size remains intact.



The Chongyang Project offers the potential to process W-Mo-Be ores using gravity-magnetic-flotation methods to produce concentrates of tungsten, molybdenum and possibly a beryl concentrate as by-product.


Disseminated wolframite in greisen and quartz veinlets




Molybdenite quartz Vein – Chongyang mine  




Wolframite in greisen at quartz vein contact-Chongyang mine










Korean Metals Exploration Limited


 Phone:   +61  413 314 750